Ysleta Independent School District

Please call 915-213-3980 to schedule


Welcome YISD employees! The providers at Providence Medical Partners are proud to provide personalized health care to the employees and dependents covered under the Aetna health plan of Ysleta Independent School District. DUE TO COVID-19: Please call ahead of your visit for pre-screening.

Providence Medical Partners (PMP) in El Paso is excited to provide health care to the employees and dependents covered under the Aetna health plan of Ysleta Independent School District. As a PMP patient, you have access to the Hospitals of Providence, a comprehensive healthcare network in El Paso, TX. Our network includes hospitals, micro hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, urgent care centers, imaging centers, physician clinics and more convenient locations for comprehensive care in the Southwest Region.

In 2021, we will offer Ysleta ISD employees and dependents covered under the Aetna health plan of Ysleta Independent School District access to our Primary Care Providers in 4 convenient locations in El Paso. We look forward to providing high quality health care through telehealth or in-person visits as our providers will be able to treat your acute healthcare needs with recommendations for chronic/long-term care and wellness/annual physicals.

We offer multiple convenient locations across El Paso. Please call 915-213-3980 or click "Book Appointment" to schedule an appointment with a provider near you.


Providers, Hours and Locations

1600 Medical Center Dr., Suite 405
El Paso, TX 79902
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. No lunch closure.

1575 North Resler Drive Suite D
El Paso, TX 79912
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Closed for lunch from 12 pm to 1:00 pm. Closed all day Friday.

13800 Eastlake, Ste. 400
El Paso, TX 79928
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Closed for lunch from 12 pm to 1:00 pm.

9870 Gateway North, Ste. A
El Paso, TX 79924
Hours: Monday - Friday,  8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Closed for lunch from 12:40 pm to 1:40 pm.



We didn’t find an exact match for your request. Here are others to consider:

The closest doctor is {{ ClosestMiles }} miles away.

There are no results within {{ SelectedMiles }} miles of your location. Please find closest below:

Physician specialty matches Doctor Results for {{ SearchTerm }}{{ CommonSearchTermValue }}{{ BySpecialties }} near {{ ByZipCode }}


Showing {{FilteredPhysicians.length}} Doctors
{{MarketGroup}} Physician
Affiliated Physician

{{physician.FirstName}} {{physician.LastName}}, {{physician.Title}}

{{PrintSpecialties(physician.Specialties, "Name")}}

{{ physician.markerId }}
{{ physician.markerId }}

{{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Group")}}

  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(physician.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}

Your selected filters found no results. Please adjust your filter selection.

Please Wait Details Loading.

{{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}}

{{ PrintSpecialties(PhysicianDetails.Specialties, "Name")}}

Primary Location

{{ addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Group")}}

  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}

Languages Spoken



{{PhysicianDetails.Gender === "M" ? "Male" : "Female"}}

  • {{item.Name}}
Select Procedures Performed
  • {{item.Name}}
Select Conditions Treated
  • {{item.Name}}

The following insurance plans may be accepted by this provider. Please contact the provider's office directly to confirm insurance plans accepted.

Please contact this provider's office directly to determine insurance plans accepted.

  • {{item.Payor}}
  • {{item.Name}}
  • {{item.Type == 'F' ? 'Fellowship' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'M' ? 'Medical School' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'I' ? 'Internship' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'R' ? 'Residency' : ''}}: {{item.Description}}

Patient Comments


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Where to Find {{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}}

#ResourceNotFound: PhysicianFinderResources, Miles2#


  • {{plocation.Address1}}
  • {{plocation.Address2}}
  • {{plocation.City}}{{plocation.State ? ',' : '' }} {{plocation.State}} {{plocation.Zip}}